Posted on 30. Aug., 2012 by Christiane Hofer in Allgemein, Diskographie, Lindström
The Lindström Project is taking another step towards the compilation of a complete listing of all 78 rpm records produced by the Carl Lindström Company around the world (and, eventually, also other companies which have not yet been documented).
The site is administered by Chris Zwarg, who will be responsible for the input of new data. At the first stage, existing listings will gradually be moved to this site, and new listings added when available and when project members have time to input it.
We would also welcome printed catalogues of record companies, especially early (pre-1930) items, either for loan or as scans. Lindström catalogues have the highest priority, but ALL early catalogues are welcome.
Please click here for more information >>LINDSTROEM DISCOGRAPHY
Listings and other materials should be sent directly to Christian Zwarg at .
For general information on the project, you can also contact Pekka Gronow at , or the Gesellschaft für historische Tonträger at