Contributions to the history of the record industry – Vol.7
Posted on 14. Apr, 2021 by Christiane Hofer in Allgemein, Künstler, Lindström, Literatur
Pekka Gronow- Christiane Hofer (Hg./Eds.) :
Beiträge zur Geschichte der Schallplattenindustrie –
Contributions to the history of the record industry
Volume 7
ISBN 978-3-9502906-2-2 Wien/Berlin/Helsinki 2016 – 25.00€
order per mail at
Review Vol. 7 by Edward Komara — Review-Vol7
Elizabeth Parry
Apr 23rd, 2021
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature has listed nine volumes of this series, and has indexed eight of them. The only one we have not been able to index is Vol. &, because we have not been able to locate a copy in a U.S. library. Would it be possible for you to send me a listing of the contents, with pagination, so that we could bring the project up to date? Thank you for your attention.