Morten Hein: Carl Nielsen 150 Years – The composer that hated recorded music

Posted by in Künstler, Nachlese, Produktionsgeschichte on 04. Sep, 2016 | 0 Comments

In Denmark 2015 has been the Carl Nielsen year. Celebrating the 150th anniversary of  birth of the composer. More >>>  Carl Nielsen text

Stephan Puille: Johannes Brahms in the Lindstroem Recording Studio

Posted by in Künstler, Lindström, Nachlese, Produktionsgeschichte on 15. Nov, 2011 | 0 Comments

Expanded paper of a lecture held on May 9th 2010 at the 11th International Conference of Discography (“11. Diskografentag”) in Hildesheim click here to LEARN MORE >>>L3 Puille

Morten Hein: Kleinert and Lindstroem: The Danish Connection

Posted by in Künstler, Lindström, Nachlese, Produktionsgeschichte on 26. Okt, 2011 | 0 Comments

  A hundred years ago recorded sound had passed the very first infant steps. A broader industry was trying to get a foothold in the market. This was the general situation all over Europe and also in Denmark. Please learn more HERE>>>>>Kleinert and Lindström

Christiane Hofer: Ein Plattenvertrag von Leo Slezak, 1912

Posted by in Künstler, Lindström, Produktionsgeschichte on 05. Jun, 2010 | 0 Comments

Der Vertrag von 1912 zwischen Leo Slezak und Odeon Records aus der Sammlung Alfred Seiser    Please  find more HERE >>>> ChristianeHofer17022010        

Edward Herbst: Lindstroem in Bali

Posted by in Künstler, Lindström, Produktionsgeschichte on 21. Mai, 2010 | 0 Comments

Edward Herbst, composer and ethnomusicologist, made his first visit to Bali in 1972, spending one year studying gendér wayang with I Made Gerindem in Teges Kanginan, gong-smithing practices and acoustics in Tihingan, Klungkung, and the relationship between gamelan and dance theater in Batuan and various other villages. He and Beth Skinner, who was studying mask […]

Gabriel Goessel:1907 -1947: Forty years of Lindstroem in Bohemia

Posted by in Firmengeschichte, Künstler, Lindström, Nachlese, Produktionsgeschichte on 21. Mai, 2010 | 0 Comments

After 1910, we can find on the Favorite Luxus Record label recordings of the baryton with the New German Theatre in Prague Alexander Haydter. After 1918, some of these recordings were pressed again on the Parlophon label. Some very important Czech-born artists recorded for labels  Odeon and Fonotipia           PLEASE LEARN MORE IN […]

Gabriel Goessel: The Hungarian Connection

Posted by in Firmengeschichte, Künstler, Lindström, Nachlese, Produktionsgeschichte on 21. Mai, 2010 | 0 Comments

During the pre-war times of Austro-Hungarian empire, the countries of Bohemia and Moravia actually did not have a common border with Hungary. Most contacts and communications between Czech and Hungarian speaking population took place within units of the military troops. But after 1948, in other words during the last 60 years, both countries were subjected […]

Michael Seil: Die Opernsaenger der Lindstroem AG

Posted by in Künstler, Lindström, Nachlese, Produktionsgeschichte on 21. Mai, 2010 | 0 Comments

Von den zahlreichen Labels, welche die Lindström – AG betrieb, sind für den Liebhaber historischer Gesangsstimmen ebenso wie für den Musikwissenschaftler die Labels  Odeon, Parlophon und Fonotipia von besonderem Interesse.  Die Labels Lyrophon, Beka und Favorite können hierbei außer Acht gelassen werden. MEHR INFORMATIONEN FINDEN SIE HIER  >>>>>>Opernsaenger_ Lindstroem